Amir Azarbad

How to refer to International Tribunal for Arbitration

Hello dear readers, in this post I am going to present some legal advisory guide about ” How to refer to International Tribunal for Arbitration “

We all know that in International Commercial contracts it is so popular that parties agree to refer their disputes to arbitration. Some times they choose wrong arbitration clause or they do not know how to refer their disputes to the arbitration if there is no arbitration clause.

Amir Azarbad - International trade lawyer in Iran
Iranian Commercial lawyer –  Amir Azarbad
  • Ways to refer a contractual disputes to arbitration


Generally, there are three ways to refer a International Commercial Dispute to a Arbitration Center.

As what the ACIC ( Arbitration Center of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industrial and Mines, has written in its arbitration rules, submission of dispute may be done through either ways;

1- Separate arbitration agreement.

2-Arbitration clause in underlying contract. and

3- Actual submission by the claimant and acceptance by the respondent.

These ways are the same for International Tribunals around globe. To ask a arbitral center to hear disputes it is going to be better to take a look on the center’s site or it’s regulations.

For the first two ways, as there is binding agreement for arbitration, the Arbitration Centers surely have jurisdiction, but about the last one, because there is no binding agreement between parties for arbitration, arbitration Centers have to have the respondent acceptance, clearly or implied.

Amir Azarbad – Attorney at Law in International Commercial Disputes.

Attorney at law in Iran

Advocacy in Arbitration Canters of Iran

Hello –

As we know, nowadays more than 95% of international commercial disputes are referring to arbitration.

it is so popular with Intl. commercial Lawyers to find a creditable Arbitration Center if they intend to mention Arbitration Clause. So,  it is good to know that Iran has several great arbitration center like ACIC (Arbitration Center of Iran Chamber).

ACIC was established in 3 February 2002 by virtue of a specific piece of law called “The Law on Auricles of Association of ACIC” as approved by the parliament of Iran. ACIC is organized as an affiliate to the Iran Chamber of Commerce but enjoys independent legal personality. ACIC is the first Iranian independent arbitration institution established for the purpose of settlement of both domestic and international disputes through arbitration or conciliation.

Submission of the disputes to ACIC may be through either ways:

  1.  Separate arbitration agreement ;
  2. Arbitration clause in the underlying contract, and
  3. Actual submission by the claimant and acceptance by the respondent

Amir Azarbad as Commercial Lawyer in Iran. he is specialist in Commercial Disputes.

Amir Azarbad’s international law office provides International and domestic and also foreign companies with specialized services in the areas of Foreign Investment, Drafting International Commercial Contracts, Litigation in Court and Arbitration Tribunal, Intellectual property legal cases and registration , company law and all legal advisory services a commercial entity needs.

Amir Azarbad is an attorney at law in Iran from 2007 to date, ranked 27 in the Central Bar Association accepted and has expertise in law of International trade, this law office supports domestic and international commercial contracts, and gives international trade advisory services.

We, as specialist in Intl. Trade, provide you with legal advisory services and we are ready to be your attorney in Arbitration center and Judicial Courts.

We can also draft International Commercial Contract between you and Iranian Companies and legal supervise on performance of Commercial contract.

Amir Azarbad-

Iranian Attorney in Iran & Ph.D Candidate